The first triduum mass in preparation for the feast of the holy family was held yesterday. The mass presider was Reverend Father Rommel Cruz.
In his homily, Fr. Rommel explained how important a family is to everyone.
Family is the basic unit of the community. A small group that constitutes a community.Every member of the family is important: father, mother, and offsprings. They give us strength, will accept us even at our worst, and embrace our flaws.The family is the most important part of our life because our family is the reason of what and who we are now.
We all came from a family. We all feel excitement and joy, misery and pain when it comes to family. But he believes that when there's love in our heart, there's compassion and forgiveness when someone commit mistakes. He also reminded us that once our family is with us, we shouldn't let go. We need to hold on to each other even if some stumble because that's what family is for. Once we turn our back on our family, it will never be whole.
Many of us are lucky to have a family because some of us doesn't. So let's learn to appreciate, spend quality time with our family because we only have one, when the time comes, they'll be gone.
Article by Athea Baranda
Photo by Angela Navarrete