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What kind of soil are you?

Writer's picture: HFP MarikinaHFP Marikina

“Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” – Matthew 13:12

I must have to submit my Sunday Gospel reflection every Saturday, but unfortunately, I was not able to make it due to some emotional struggles after seeing so many bad news and toxicities on social media, as well as knowing that our churches in the diocese are allowed to open doors for Holy Masses with 10% capacity yet we can’t come to our parish because we are not allowed to enter the subdivision where it is located. I was so saddened of the thought that I still couldn’t partake the Holy Eucharist and I honestly became cold on my daily prayer routine the past few days. I literally cried a lot last night as I felt the hopelessness. I had so many questions and doubts not just to myself but as well as to God. Thank God, someone helped me up and pray the Holy Rosary with me so I could regain my strength and have some time to reflect and clear my thoughts. Few minutes after our Holy Rosary prayer, I got a message from a friend inviting me to their parish to join their choir members so I could surely reserve a sit. And earlier this morning, God heard my cries and saw the thorns of my heart; I was able to receive the Sacrament of Confession and Holy Communion. Words aren’t enough to describe how grateful I felt during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. I had a teary eye as I kneel down after I received the Host while hearing the song sung by the choir members. It is so much good to be home.

Going back to our Gospel reflection and to the question above, what kind of soil are you if God our sower would plant seeds of His words unto you?

Are you the one along the path where the seeds could not sprout because some birds might come and eat it up? A person might hear these seeds of God’s words yet he can’t understand nor would he bother to understand it. And the time comes that the devil might take it so he could not have even a pinch of attention to it. Is that you?

Are you the rocky place where the seeds may sprout yet could not survive under the heat of the sun? This person might have accepted these seeds from God but did not internalize the lessons. So whenever someone would give her a more interesting yet not a factual explanation about the words of God, he could easily be deceived by those lies. Same with the life of being a Catholic, if we would not hear and study the teachings that actually came from our Lord Jesus Christ, we can easily be deceived by the protestant denominations that always make their way to destroy the Catholic Church, thank God no one from them could do that! (Matthew 16:18).

Are you the one with many thorns where if the seeds will sprout, these thorns will choke it? A person might have received the seeds of God’s word, hear it every day but there is hatred and uncertainty in his heart. These thorns in his soul might destroy these words of God. Jesus also once said, “From the abundance of heart, the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). If your heart is full of these thorns, the word of God would find it hard to survive and what will make it worse is that you might also harm others with the bitterness of your heart. 

And finally, are you the good soil where the seeds could grow well and produce good crops- a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown? A person, who listens to God’s words, takes it, nurtures it, and shares it with everyone. This person has his weaknesses, but he allows God to mold him in order to become a good soil to His seeds. Is this soil? If not, can you be this soil?

There is so much chaos, hatred, misunderstandings in our society that may distract us from taking care of these seeds God wants to sow into us. Our society needs someone who could be that good soil and shares that goodness to everyone so a good harvest will come. But above all, like soils, we must let God mold us; we must offer our lives to Him so He would shower us His blessings as we continue to serve Him. Remember, becoming a good soil takes processes. We can be like the other soils; our sights can be out of our tracks, we can sometimes be dry and hopeless, but when we offer these hardships to Him, we will realize that everything is just part of the process. Soon we will become good through His grace.

Brothers and sisters, as God gave us the free will to become the soil we want us to be, may we always choose in accordance to His will. God loves us so much, and He doesn’t want us to be away from Him. Take His words, nurture it, and share it with everyone. Let us spread these seeds of His word, the word is Jesus, Jesus is God, and God is love.

God bless us all! Always say a PRAYER, Ave Maria!


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