For the eighth day of Simbang Gabi, Fr. Mateo Suarez, FDCC, presided the mass.
His homily is about Zacharias and Elizabeth, who waited for a long time to conceive a child. He said that in the time the couple waited, they prayed with faith in God that their wish will be fulfilled.
Fr. Suarez said that God will bless us too if we follow the lives of Zacharias and Elizabeth, that no matter what trials we face in life, if we live righteously and follow God, He will surely bless us, too. When our lives are separated from God, no matter how hard we try to overcome our problems, we can't do anything. We need God in our lives.
In order for God to enter our lives freely, we must prepare ourselves by turning to God, repenting for our sins, and changing our lives. What we need as we continue to face challenges, crises, and problems is to remain strong, have firm faith, continue to pray fervently, and not just give up.
Article by Jizelle Juntayas
Photo by Nica Yalung