Last Ash Wednesday, a mass was celebrated to begin the Season of Lent. The Catholic Faithful received a mark of the cross on their foreheads using ash to signify penance from sins and remind us that, "everything comes from the dust, everything returns to the dust." Ecclesiastes 3:20
“Normally, ash is a sign that something is dirty. However, the ash that is applied to our foreheads is clean. It passed through fire and was filtered, for it will signify that we are good people and desire to be closer to God.”- Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Delatado.
A good person will work hard to change and become better. They will realize their wrongdoings, sins, and things that distance them from God. We are virtuous people; therefore, we will find ways to be closer to Him by changing and confessing our sins.
Because we are good, we will choose to help, volunteer, and join the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters. This is why the season of Lent is challenging everyone to do the three pillars of Lent; praying, fasting, and almsgiving. Doing those things signifies that we are one in times of difficulty.
Since the ash was already applied to our foreheads last Wednesday, let us hold on to the truth that although we are sinners, God believes we can change and are good people.
Article by: Marianne Aragon
Photo by: Chelsea Santoyo