Fr. Brian Bahian led the 6th Simbang Gabi and in his homily, he told us on why we should follow our mother Mary whenever we have challenges in our lives.
According to our gospel, Mother Mary was the first person to receive and to spread out the good news from the Lord.
The conception of Mary and Elizabeth was the response to their prayers to the Lord. However, unlike Elizabeth’s situation, the Lord purposely gave was his blessing, his son, to her even though Mary didn’t even pray to be pregnant. When the angel delivered the Lord’s message to Mary that she will conceive by the holy spirit, and that she will give birth to the son of God, she didn’t waver and accepted the blessing of the Lord. Mary didn’t doubt when she gave her response because of her faith in the Lord the s too strong and deep. We should be like our Mother Mary whenever God has given us challenges and whenever we don’t know what to do in our lives. This is because the holy spirit will always accompany us whenever we are having our own difficulties. Do not be afraid for the Lord has given us his child, Jesus to the living world through Mary who trusted God and his decisions.
Just like Mary who became the instrument of God to spread his words and to save humanity from evil, let us also be instruments of God and the holy spirit to help those people who are having difficulties when they are making decisions and when they don’t know the answer to the questions of their lives. Especially this pandemic and this Christmas season, let’s be instruments of God and remind the people around us that Christmas is alive and it will happen for Jesus is here with us helping ourselves whenever we find hard to decide and whenever there are challenges
Article by Marianne Aragon
Photo by Nica Yalung