The Holy Family Parish held a holy mass for the New Year’s Eve Mass as well as for the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of God. In his homily, Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Delatado emphasized the value of time and what it really means to be blessed.
Fr. Ferdie began by saying that there are two different kinds of time. The first is its quantity, in which individuals are aware of the precise hour and day of every event in their lives. However, there is a quality time where people enjoy spending time with their loved ones without thinking about the passing of time. With this, he encouraged everyone to cherish every moment spent with loved ones because time is something that no one can control but everyone can decide how to use it.
"We should never forget to thank Him at every opportunity and time."
Fr. Ferdie discussed that being truly blessed is when we see our lives as always connected to God. He referenced Pope Francis' statement that individuals are blessed by God when they recognize the value of family, that no man is an island, and the need to take care of one another.
"Let's make our lives meaningful and continue to follow God's will."
In line with the homily, the Holy Gospel mentions a set time for Jesus' birth. Jesus Christ, our Savior, was born as a result of Mary's cooperation with His plan and the timing He provided. Because of this, she was genuinely blessed by Him.
Fr. Ferdie concluded his homily by reminding everyone to value the time given by Him. To be able to share His blessings with others, and fill them with beautiful memories that can be treasured.
Article By: Angelyn Dela Cruz