“As Christians, it is vital to believe the resurrection of our Lord because this will be the foundation of our catholic faith, that we believe that He is alive.”
Last Black Saturday, April 8, 2023, the Holy Family Parish celebrated the Easter Vigil to commemorate the resurrection of Christ. The ceremony started with the Service of the Light where the parishioners gathered outside and witnessed the lighting of the Pascal Candle.
The mass was led by Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Delatado and in his homily, he shared the essence and representation of Christ’s resurrection using C.A.V.E.: confirmation of His identity, the atonement of sin, victory from death, and empowerment for those who believe in Him.
“Are you very much alive?”
To end his reflection, Fr. Ferdinand told the parishioners that in every breath that we take, may we may also be sources of blessing to others. In every pulse of our hearts, may we also have empathy for the people in need valued by God. May we offer life and blood to the truthful mission given by the Lord. Lastly, through our actions, we can show His good reflection on the people we meet.
After the homily, the Holy Family Parish welcomed 5 new Catholic members of the church composed of four teenagers and one adult. This was followed by the Renewal of Baptism Promises for all of the parishioners.
Article by: Marianne Aragon