On the second day of Simbang Gabi, the mass was presided by Rev. Fr. Bryan Bahian from FdCC.
In his homily, Fr. Bryan talked about the generation of Jesus, why is it important for us to know, what good news does it bring, its significant meaning and why does the generation of Jesus need to be spoken off? It is to see and decipher that Jesus is born as a human and embraced us all even if we consist of sinful and pure, moral and immoral, kind and unkind this is the generation of Jesus, incoherent. Just like our family members, they have different traits and behaviors. So, we can append that the generation of Jesus is composed of ordinary people like us in our generation. The spiritual journey of Israel is comparable to our own journey, that all of us are eminent but because of our mistakes and sins, we have fallen.
Our fall is not the end of everything because the Lord loves us unconditionally and he sent our savior and redeemer Jesus to help us and be exalted.
He also stated that no matter how much we have sinned the Lord doesn’t let us go. He does not leave us when we're facing difficulties, on the verge of giving up or falling apart because of our sins. Jesus can help us to recover from our bad experiences.
Fr. Bryan reminded us that, “The blessing of the Lord is always sufficient and not lacking.” Let’s keep this in mind and contemplate on this in preparation for Christmas