Many parishioners are gathered to attend the mass in preparation for the Lenten season with the observance of Ash Wednesday. The mass was led by our parish priest, Fr. Ferdinand Delatado. In his homily he stated that; we begin the season of lent through anointing ash in our foreheads. We must understand the meaning of what we are doing, where did the ash came from, and what it message to us this lent. There is a saying "You came from dust and dust you shall return" means the commemoration of where we start. Because we have nothing to be proud of and to show-off, everything we have here only stayed here. Our status in the community, condition, and situation doesn't define the place we're going. What did we do to the life God gave us? Is it meaningful? Or did you just waste your time and your life enjoying it being a carefree individual, make some mistakes and sin and did nothing to be a better person to help the people who are in need. He also mentioned that pride is the origin of sin. This started with Adam and Eve. The three pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The season of lent encourages us to pray and trust God. Regiment ourselves by fasting, avoid and control what we eat, to be intrusive and care for others. The cross in our foreheads is a reminder of his love he offered his life for our own salvation. Don't waste the calvary of Jesus, obliterate our pride and learn to be humble and relent our sins.