Holy Family Parish celebrated its first Sinulog Festival during the conclusion of National Bible Month last Sunday.
The festival was led by the Parish Youth Ministry. Devotees walked along while carrying their images of the Sto. Nino. The crowd did not miss the street dance performed by a group of children from a pastoral community, the Greeters and the Ushers and the Parish Youth Ministry. The youth ministry closed the Sinulog with dance finale at the Parish Patio before the Mass for the National Bible Sunday.
The mass was led by Rev. Fr. Russel Bertin. Fr. Russel highlighted in his homily that it is very important to read our bible because the word of the Lord is our guide to the right path for us to reach our destination. He also stated that the Bible is the Lord’s letter to us. Fr. Russel also reminded us that reading the bible is not enough, it is important that behalf reading, we are also praying, because praying is the action of communicating to the Lord, and the action of the Lord communicating to us.
Article By: Marianne Aragon
Photo by: Jizelle J