Ash Wednesday was commemorated as the beginning of the Lent Season. Despite the pandemic, many parishioners still attended the Holy Mass led by our parish priest Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Delatado to receive the Holy Ash. Of course, the parish and church workers made sure that the parishioners’ health is safe by social distancing, temperature check, ang wearing of face masks and face shields.
Since we are living in the midst of a pandemic, the ash is not being applied to the forehead to avoid physical contact, instead, it is sprinkled on top of the head causing it to be less noticeable. During his homily, Fr. Ferdinand Delatado stated that the act of making the ash less noticeable is reflecting what Jesus wants us to do and his challenge for us. To not stand out, to not be an attention seeker, and to not use our good deeds to show off and to impress the people around us. The Ash that was sprinkled on top of our head is also serving as a reminder that we started as ash and will end as one.
During the Holy Gospel, Jesus gave us 3 reminders or things to do so that the season of Lent will be meaningful to us. To pray, to fast, and to do charity or voluntary work. The Lord instructed us to do this secretly.
Whenever we are praying, we are interacting with the Lord. We are surrendering and opening ourselves to Him. Fr. Ferdinand stated that an effective way of praying is by listening and reflecting to the word of the Lord whenever we are attending the Holy Mass. He also shared that during the Lent Season, the church is busy because of the different events that they have everyday such as the station of the cross, praying of the Holy Rosary together, pilgrimage, etc. The purpose of doing those activities is for us to be closer to God. Let us remember that in the silence of hearts, whenever we are sincerely praying, we are with Christ.
The Second reminder is to sacrifice by the act of fasting. Let us fast and leave the things that are enslaving us and to our luxuries and sins. We are invited to be contented just to the things that we necessarily need. Whenever we neglect our cravings and the things that we want to eat, we are teaching ourselves to see and to realize the thing that we really need and is important. And that is none other but our relationship with Christ. Through our fasting, joining our unfortunate fellow humans who are experiencing difficulty in their lives. Most of all, we are joining Jesus in his sacrifices that he is doing for us.
This season, fasting is connected to charity. During this time, let us use the money or food that we saved to help our brothers and sisters who are living in struggle. Let us keep in mind that we will find the Lord within the people who are in need and that we are teaching ourselves to value our brothers and sisters whenever we are humbly helping. To value the others, before ourselves.
Remember, we will pray, fast, and help other people secretly and in silence. Where no one will see and notice us but God.
Fr. Ferdinand also shared that the reason that the ash is placed in our heads is to remind us that that mark is the mark of Christ’s love for us and that he will never leave us. This is why if you are feeling lost, and you feel like you are being separated from God, the season of Lent is a very good opportunity to go to the Lord again in the spirit of repentance. Our Lord is compassionate. Stand with the mark of Ash on your head. Change, repent on your sins,
Desire to have a change in your spirit.
Though there are no public confessional because of the pandemic, Fr. Ferdinand said that the parish is always open for a private one after every morning mass from Monday to Friday.