On this seventh day of Simbang Gabi, Fr. Joselito Ortega shared the message behind Mother Mary’s Magnificat.

Mary sang her Magnificat because Elizabeth experienced a miracle from God just like she did. During that encounter, Mary showed her enthusiasm for the Lord’s honesty to her life by her song and because Mother Mary recognized that everything that happened to her life was because of the Lord because the Lord loves her and she is sharing that love with her cousin Elizabeth. We will also receive that love when Jesus comes on Christmas day.
The Lord is choosing us to do something or scarification despite our failures and wrongdoings because she loves us. This is why Mary stated that at the beginning of everything, God was already there. Mary also wanted us to know that it was God who made her what she is today. This is why at the end of Mary’s song, everything that God did to save us was because of his promise to us, and that promise was the reason why Jesus Christ was born to the world to live and die for us.
Just like Mary, let us have a heart and mind that is ready to serve the Lord. That service will show our love and appreciation to the Lord. At this present time, there is a lot of fake and emotional news that our hearts may have difficulties handling. This is why just like Mary; we should have peace of mind and think about how we will see the Lord during those times. The Lord loves us. That is why this Christmas season, we should see Jesus Christ’s light towards the life where you are ready to sacrifice for the sake of everybody and so that we can bring them back to God.
Article by Marianne Aragon
Photo by Nica Yalung