PARANG, MARIKINA CITY - The parish stepped up the precautionary measures against the 2019 Coronavirus or COVID.
Earlier today, disinfection in the parish was held in the parish. The disinfection will be done twice or thrice a week to prevent the spread of the virus. Office staffs provide alcohol as well as the use of thermo guns to check the temperature of the parishioners entering and exiting the office. Soon, the parish will be providing alcohol inside the church.
The church canceled the Kumpisalang Bayan complying with the letter from the chancery office. Activities such as the Holy Hour every Thursday, Stations of the Cross every Friday, and the Rosary vigil every Saturday are not canceled. In fact, they have dedicated prayers against the COVID-19 virus according to Fr. Ferdinand Delatado. He also encouraged everyone to pray the Oratio Imperata against the spread of the coronavirus.
Article by: Tom Valientes
