The 9th Misa de Gallo was led by our parish priest, Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Delatado. In his homily, he highlighted that everyone should have faith in God because nothing is impossible in His plan.
"Even if we believe it to be impossible, He responds to our prayers and intentions."
Father Ferdie recalled his experience from six years ago when he was appointed as a priest in the Holy Family Parish. Upon entering the church, he became aware of the outdated and damaged furnishings inside that needed to be renovated. He trusted and prayed to God because, as a priest, he desired the best for the church. Thereafter, people contributed their financial assistance, supplies, and prayers to improve the church's condition.
He also narrated the story of Zacharias and Elizabeth, who suffered negative criticism from others for not being able to have children because God was punishing them for an unforgivable sin. However, the couple continued their faith and worship, and eventually, God blessed them with a child.
"As Zacharias did in the Benedictus prayer in response to his blessing, we must always express our gratitude to Him."
Father Ferdie encouraged everyone at the last Misa de Gallo to keep their faith strong and worship Him without hesitation, as, with Him, nothing is impossible.
Article by: Angelyn Dela Cruz