“Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat— Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands."
Last Sunday, November 26, 2023, we observed the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, and the last week in the liturgical calendar before the season of Advent.
The Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament was held during the celebration emphasizing the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and providing an opportunity for the faithful to express reverence and adoration.
The procession of the Blessed Sacrament towards the parish started at 4 in the afternoon and was followed by the Holy Mass at 6 pm led by our Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Fernando A. Cornejo.

Fr. Fhyrdz shared in his homily the essence of selfless deeds, active faith, and love without expectations. Exercising compassion will bring us blessings in both the afterlife and finite life.
He begins by mentioning the segregation of the sheep among the goats in the gospel, wherein the good people are compared to sheep while the bad people are to goats.
It may be easy to do something good, but there could be an expectation of something waiting in return. However, the blessed do good deeds without expecting something or anything in return. Their faith was expressed in doing good, such as feeding the poor, visiting the sick, giving clothing to those with nothing to wear, and visiting those in prison.
“Our faith is meaningless if it ends with us and we fail to make others feel it.”
It's touching how others, despite their shortcomings and hardships, still share what they have with those in need. It is truly admirable to witness that regardless of their burden they manage to dedicate time and effort to alleviate the struggles of others.
“It’s not just about helping— it’s about love.”
To conclude his homily, Fr. Fhyrdz reminded everyone to live a meaningful life and be an inspiration to others. This is the sacrifice as a follower of God and as a loving individual. We must understand not just ourselves but others also since as a genuine person who trusts and considers others will never run out of blessings from Him here on earth and even in the afterlife.