A mass for the culmination of the rosary month was held last Sunday afternoon led by Father Ferdie Delatado.
In his homily, Fr. Ferdie shared a story told by Jesus about a Publican and Pharisee. He shared the difference of how the two prayed. The Pharisee praised himself while the publican became humble and admitted all his sins.
Last Sunday, we also celebrated prison Sunday awareness. Fr. Ferdie shared his experience of a mass held at a prison and told us that he saw how the prisoners were sincere in asking for forgiveness. This is why he came out with this question: "Who is more free?Those who are locked in prison but admits their sins or we who are not in jail but slaves of our sins?" Christ will truly save us if we are like the publican who admitted his sins and became humble when he prayed.
After the mass, 35 children and young adults dressed as saints joined the annual Parade of Saints in our parish organized by the Munting Kristo Sunday School. Reminding the faithful that we celebrate Hallows eve or Halloween to remember the Saints and the faithful departed, and not promoting a pagan tradition.
Article by Marianne Aragon
Photo by Julito Velasco