Every Sunday between Christmas and New Year, the church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family and we also commemorate the 35th Anniversary of our Parish. A Fiesta Mass was held, presided by Reverend Monsignor Sabino Vengco, Jr. from the Diocese of Malolos. In Msgr. Vengco's homily, he pointed out that there were two pairs that were described in the gospel. First was the couple Mary and Joseph. The basic unit of society is the family. The new society of God started with the Holy Family. The root of love that the given fruit is not the couples' but heaven was the giver of it. They were the ones entrusted and invited to start the first family. The couple will be a holy family that in the midst of their love as human beings, in their innate regard and prejudice of one another, they were given the fruit of the gift of heaven. The fruit that was long been waited to give salvation and redemption to the world. The fruit, which was Jesus, was educated in the faithfulness and will of God which was the custom of the people of Israel.
The second was the couple, Anna and Simeon. When Simeon saw Jesus was offered, he overflowed with joy. The song came out that only an old man could sing. He said, now Lord I can go home to you. He called to the Lord, telling Him his search is already over. Simeon already saw His faithfulness, promise, the salvation of Israel, and the light for all mankind. Fr. Vengco prays to the families, that they should make sure Jesus has space in their hearts, that He is not an addition but He should be the center of love and relationships. God can lead to true peace, justice, and love. Only God can give the light needed for eternal life. Lastly, Msgr. Vengco reiterated that may every family in the parish give honor to the Holy Family, to be the image that was described of the Holy Family, with faith, love, living hope, which is reflected in us by Jesus, Maria, and Joseph.
Before the mass ended, Fr. Ferdinand Delatado thanked the parishioners, church workers, and the guest priests who attended the Fiesta Mass
After the mass, the New Hermano and Hermana mayor were selected. Bro. Efren and Sis. Lynda Malabanan is the new Hermano and Hermana Mayor for the year 2021.
Balik-handog alay sa Banal an Mag-anak was also held, led by the Social Service Ministry of our parish. The gift packs were given to the elderly to have a meal this coming New Year.
Tomorrow, we will celebrate the Dedication Anniversary of our Parish, where our church and altar was blessed. A thanksgiving mass will be held at 6:30 AM, presided by our Parish Priest, Fr. Ferdinand Delatado.
Article by Jizelle Juntayas
Photo by Julia Santoyo