Before the holy mass started last December 8, 2021, in observance of the Feast of the Immaculate Concepcion, the lighting of the Giant Christmas Slippers Tree occurred. Besides its usual decorations like Christmas lights and balls, garlands, a few ornaments, and many more, additional to it are the slippers. After Christmas, the collected slippers will be distributed to the people who are in need. Anyone can contribute by buying the slippers on the patio of our church for one hundred pesos.
The holy mass was presided by our parish priest Rev. Fr. Ferdinand C. Delatado.
In his homily, Fr. Ferdie stated that 'God has a plan for us and we must respond to his calling.' Similar to Mother Mary, at first, she was confused and couldn't comprehend the plan of God for her despite this, she still followed willingly. And because of her willingness to abide by the plan of salvation was carried out.
Let us bear in mind that God desires for us to live in holiness this will only happen if we oblige him and execute good deeds. The plan of God for us is to be holy. To follow him and to respond to his calling.
Long ago, when the dogma of Immaculate Concepcion was still being developed, many theologians didn't accept this. Because they're pondering if Mama Mary doesn't have original sin, what is the purpose of Jesus as her savior? However, the theologians explained their reasons. One of their reasons is "Preventive Grace" wherein right from the start, God planned this to prepare Mary for her mission as a mother of God. If we're going to base it on our lives, our vision of time is sequential, the beginning, present, and future. To God, the past and future may be present to him. This proves that the plan of God for Mary is incorrigible. That Mary will not have original sin.
He added that this is why we Filipinos have a close relationship with Mary because it is our nature to be 'maka-ina.'
Like Mary, who responded to the plan of God, let us emulate this so that we may not be separated from his presence. Although there are many things that we cannot understand now, let us remember that God has a plan. In the last part of the gospel, it is said that " Nothing is impossible to God," as long as there is a blessing, God's will, and our response. Our faith must not only remain in our minds where we learn the teachings of the church. It must not only stay in our hearts that we trust him. On the contrary, there must be action, response, and practice.
In this holy mass, we end the Year of St. Joseph. Pope Francis declared the year 2020-2021 as the year of St. Joseph. In our diocese we have a pilgrimage wherein we visit numerous churches, specifically the seven jubilee churches and the churches dedicated to St. Joseph. Since our parish is Holy Family, and St. Joseph is part of it, there are many devotees of St. Joseph who visited our church and acquired plenary indulgences.
Fr. Ferdie encourages the faithful to honor St. Joseph because he has a big responsibility in the Holy Family. He took care of Jesus and Mary and followed God's plan for him. Moreover, he repeated the message of the Feast of the Immaculate Concepcion is God has a plan for us, and we need to respond to his plan.
Before ending the mass, Fr. Ferdie encourages the faithful to participate in the program of the Social Services Ministry "Balik Handog" in its 5th year. Wherein any interested one will be given a bag by the usherettes to be filled with essential goods that will be offered in the mass. To be distributed in the upcoming feast of the Holy Family on December 26, 2021.
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