The faithful gathered for the yearly Kumpisalang Bayan as a part of our Lenten activities.
Hundreds of parishioners and church workers came for confession and more than 30 priests from the diocese and religious congregation came to listen, offered counsel, propose an act of penance and absolve sins. Before confession, the faithful received guides for confession. There are also examinations of conscience to review mortal and venial sins.
To some parishioners, confessing every Lenten season is significant because it prepares us to be worthy to the Lord so that He can accept us again on his second coming. For others, it’s an act of repentance. In confessing, we should be sincere in the things that we will say. When we confess, we should admit all of our sins to the Lord in the hopes that we will be cleansed of our sins and be renewed.
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. Some Catholics go to confession in during advent or Lenten season, but for some, they go to confession to receive the Eucharist in the mass.
Article: Jizelle Juntayas
Photo: Tom Valientes