Maundy Thursday or Jueves Santo commemorates the washing of the feet of the apostles, the last supper of Jesus and the establishment of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
Fr. Ferdinand Delatado led the Mass of the Lord's supper via Facebook Live. In his homily, he reminded us that Jesus is our friend. Whenever we feel sadness, bereavement, and fear, Jesus feels the same as us.
There are three questions that we need to ask ourselves: What are you afraid of? Do you have problems but don't have someone who can talk to? Why do you feel sad? God has an answer to all these questions and that is what we are celebrating. The Holy Eucharist, in mass Jesus, reminds us that he is our friend and companion that is always ready to listen and will not turn his back to you no matter what. Even in this tremendous test caused by COVID-19. All these challenges and dilemmas will end soon, the most important thing is that you do not lose hope and have faith in him.
Regardless of what is happening around the world, the celebration of the holy week continues, although our celebrations are different, the presence of Jesus is with us. Jesus will give you the strength to face any kind of trial.
After the mass, the procession of the Blessed Sacrament began around the upper Barangay Parang. The faithful put a candle in front of their homes and kneel as the blessed sacrament passes them. The Eucharistic Procession on Good Friday will be on Barangay Fortune and on Sunday in Lower Barangay Parang and Phase 2 of Barangay Nangka.
Article by: Athea Baranda
Photo by: Tom Valientes