Last June 30, the third monthly Family Faith Formation Seminar resumed with Mr. Edwin Valles as the guest speaker wherein he tackled “Ministering To Our LGBT Brethren.”
“Homosexuality is not just about the rightness and wrongness of things, there is much more to it.”
We see and define homosexuality as evil or living a life that is against the bible. However, through an organization named “Courage”, they share various experiences and struggles in homosexuality in a catholic setting without feeling judged and misunderstood by others. Bro. Edwin shared his encounters with 2 different members of the “Courage” on how they discovered same-sex attraction. It is when they got molested by the immediate circle of the child.
“Accompaniment is all about a healing journey. We need to accompany them to heal.”
We should offer them Pastoral Accompaniment by listening, understanding their stories, and identifying their pain points. Not everyone will openly talk about their experiences. For them to open up to us, it takes time and must not be rushed. Significantly, they trust us.
“There is no human solution to our deep woundedness. Only Christ and God can fill that need.”
It is either we will trust ourselves to solve our problems or we will surrender everything to God to solve that problem for us.
“The advantage of looking at the homosexual experience as a form of woundedness is that it portrays the church as a mother.”
As Bro. Edwin wrapped up his talk and concluded that not only our LGBT brothers and sisters can be identified as wounded but all of us. We are all wounded because of our original sins. We desire to love and to be loved and because of this similarity we can reach out to them to accompany them and be one with them in their journey.
After the talk, some parishioners asked some inquiries.
#1 How can a parent accompany an LGBT person on their journey of transitioning?
As an adult, he/she has to make their own decision. For our accompaniment, it can be friendship, inviting them to bible studies, and fellowship. It is also a way to let them encounter the Lord and be willing to learn more about the teachings of the faith.
#2 How to address a member of an LGBT to be part of the church if they live with their same-sex partner?
Similar to what he stated before, we need to invite and accompany them. And since they have a partner we also need to include them in persuading them to attend fellowship or on the church's feast day. Gradually drawing them to God and the church through invites hopefully help them to come to a point wherein to leave their lifestyle behind.
#3 How can we encourage an LGBT person to accept their identity?
It is discouraged to force a person to ‘come out. We have to recognize the freedom of the people we accompany despite the long years it would take to finally accept themselves while keeping their connection with Christ.
This coming Saturday, July 30, our topic will be Why the world needs Fathers? Our guest speaker is Mr. Manjoe Mendoza
Article by: Athea Baranda